Are Compounded Pet Medications Worth It?

Health & Medical Blog

If you have a sick pet that requires constant medication, you may wonder if paying a little bit more for a compounded pet medication is worth the price. On the other hand, if you haven't heard of compounded medications, you and your pet are both in for a treat. Compounded medications are medications that have been changed into a different formulation to better suit a certain person or animal. For example, if your pet has a really difficult time taking medications orally, your pharmacist may be able to compound their medication into a transdermal gel or capsule that can be inserted anally.

28 February 2022

Natural Treatments For Depression In Winter

Health & Medical Blog

The dropping temperatures, more time spent indoors, and less sunlight can all make people feel depressed in the fall and winter months. This common condition called seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is characterized by sleeping more than usual, lack of energy, lack of motivation, and cravings for comfort foods that are high in carbohydrates. Luckily, there are several natural things you can do to help lift your mood and combat the symptoms associated with seasonal depression.

27 January 2022

Urinary Incontinence: Symptoms And Risk Factors

Health & Medical Blog

Urinary incontinence is something that a lot of people suffer from. It is more common in females than males. This is thought to be because the length of a female's urethra is shorter than a male's and because pregnancy and childbirth can weaken the muscles in the urinary tract.  What Is Urinary Incontinence? Urinary incontinence occurs when someone leaks urine involuntarily. Someone suffering from urinary incontinence will have trouble controlling or have no control at all of when they urinate.

20 December 2021

The Goals of Spinal Rehabilitation

Health & Medical Blog

Spinal rehabilitation is a gift for so many people. It allows many clients to return to some semblance of daily life, to find a routine wherever possible. If you are considering spinal rehab, you have a lot to think about. If you feel uncertain about what to expect, these are some of the goals you may develop with a professional. 1. Develop Realistic Rehab Goals The first step of spinal rehab is to develop realistic goals.

22 November 2021

Herniated Disc After Auto Accident? What You Need To Know

Health & Medical Blog

If you were recently involved in an auto accident and have been experiencing back pain ever since, then this back pain could stem from a number of back injury types that can occur during an auto accident. However, one common cause of post-accident back pain is a herniated disc. A herniated disc develops when the tough exterior shell of the jelly-like discs that lie between back vertebrae, or bones, cracks or becomes damaged in another way.

22 October 2021

Causes Of Vision Problems And Vision Treatment

Health & Medical Blog

Many people experience vision problems throughout their lives. However, some do not know how to go about treating them, and some just don't catch the vision problems in time for effective treatment. It's important to have regular check-ups with your eye doctor. If you are diagnosed with vision problems, there are treatment options to help you. Read on to learn more. Causes of Vision Problems Eyesight problems are generally caused by underlying conditions.

23 September 2021

Tips For Shopping For The Best Delta 8 THC Products

Health & Medical Blog

When it comes to the cannabis market, Delta 8 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) represents one of the largest sectors of growth, with sales beginning to take off. It is a legal byproduct of the hemp plant, which people are taking for both recreational and medicinal use. If you're interested in trying it out, it's important that you do your research and find the help of a shop that can sell you what you're looking for.

26 August 2021